Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Barking Up The Wrong Tree"

Out of respect for our 44th President of the United States, I keep trying to turn the page, but there are some issues that remain unresolved and need to be addressed.

First, where was PETA and the Humane Society when dogs were turned on African-Americans. Did anyone ask for the decendents of these officers and others for a psych eval? Do you know how many generations of these families that are still in law enforcement?

If the sixties go to far back for you, where was PETA and the Humane Society when the pit bull ate the baby in New York as a result of being left on its own by its mother?

Where was PETA and the Humane Society in Detroit, Michigan and every other major Urban Center and yokal backwater playground on Friday and Saturday nights where the dogs fighting is on and poppin'?

I say all this to that these organizations are like others (i.e. the media) who use high profile people, preferably African-American males, to raise money, not consciousness, to further line their pockets. Its not about the dogs, Its about the money, getting on television, advancing their careers. In America, everyone knows how valuable 15 minutes of fame can be at the expense of a Black man. Ask Joe the plumber or Marcia, the attorney, from the OJ Trial.

Michael practiced poor judgement there is absolutely no doubt about that. Should athletes practice better judgement when picking associates? You betcha!

I have this to say to PETA and organizations like them who have rode the backs of, advanced their careers as a result of, and stand on the shoulders of Black men. Find a new gig. Find a new poster boy, or better yet, just start working hard and stop depending on ethnicity (White) to be the entitlement as it has so frequently worked for you in the past.