Friday, March 20, 2009

Driving Drunk!

Someone coined the phrase,"A picture is worth a thousand words." For anyone who has been the victim of a drunk driver. This blog entry is for you. Anyone who is currently risking getting behind the wheel and driving drunk. This blog entry is for you. Students and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, this blog entry is for you.

This morning, I watched ESPN's story on Donte' Stallworth who recently got behind the wheel of his car intoxicated and killed someone. I have been the victim of a person driving drunk twice in my life. I thank God I survived both times. The following individuals were not so lucky:

Local Waitress--Long Beach, California
Wife and Mother Lost in Drunk Driving Collision
Santa Maria Man Killed in DUI Collision
Woman Killed, 4 hurt in DUI Collision--Orlando, Florida

I never knew these people personally, but someone did. As a teenager, I remembered how relentless MADD and SADD used to be. I saw so many public service announcements and billboards everywhere. I don't doubt that these organizations still exist, but it is like with anything, the minute you let up and think people get the message, the problem continues to get worse.

This article is not designed to make Donte'Stallworth feel any worse than I'm sure that he already does. It must be hell to have on your heart the fact that you have killed someone. I feel badly for he and his family and all the other people who suffered and continue to suffer from this disease. They, too, need prays and help.

Before I end, I got one question? While, I'm sure the victims' family will come after Donte' Stallworth, I don't want them to forget the motherfucker or motherfuckers who let Donte' Stallworth get behind the wheel of his car drunk. They should be implicated as well. If they offered to drive him home, or called the police to inform them he was driving drunk, them my apologies to you for calling you out of your name. But if none of you did either of these things, then the motherfucker stands.

Perhaps, this is the consequence when people allow athletes and other celebrities to conduct themselves as if they are above the law or can't be told no. We just like them get dragged into whatever suffering they cause to others and to themselves.