With everything going on in the media this week, I guess I could have been distracted by another mainstream sports story, but I am choosing to stay with the feel good story, the right story, the Coach Rob story.
Since 1941, it’s always been Grambling. While I would be totally remiss in not pointing out that Coach Rob was the first collegiate coach to record 400 wins, responsible for sending 200 young men to the NFL, four of which have been enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame (Willie Davis, Willie Brown, Charlie Joiner, and Buck Buchanan), to solely focus on the numbers is neither a challenge nor a tribute.
In a time when the African-American collegiate level football player had no place else but a Historically Black College to go, Coach Rob not only taught them the fundamentals of the game, but instilled in them a set of values, rich tradition and a work ethic that transcends the game of football.
The soul of Coach Eddie Robinson runs through the veins of all the lives he touched. Those life lessons are still ever present among us as we go through our daily routines of being responsible African-Americans and American.
As I examine the life of this great man, I am continuously reminded of how good and very well meaning people can still be fascinated by the story of the same old soup warmed over when at the end of the day, it’s still Grambling! Let the symbolism and power of this statement ring in our ears as we reflect on Coach Rob’s life, the times and circumstances in which he made an impact as we continue to question what our impact will be as we face these still trying times ahead.
Since 1941, it’s always been Grambling. While I would be totally remiss in not pointing out that Coach Rob was the first collegiate coach to record 400 wins, responsible for sending 200 young men to the NFL, four of which have been enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame (Willie Davis, Willie Brown, Charlie Joiner, and Buck Buchanan), to solely focus on the numbers is neither a challenge nor a tribute.
In a time when the African-American collegiate level football player had no place else but a Historically Black College to go, Coach Rob not only taught them the fundamentals of the game, but instilled in them a set of values, rich tradition and a work ethic that transcends the game of football.
The soul of Coach Eddie Robinson runs through the veins of all the lives he touched. Those life lessons are still ever present among us as we go through our daily routines of being responsible African-Americans and American.
As I examine the life of this great man, I am continuously reminded of how good and very well meaning people can still be fascinated by the story of the same old soup warmed over when at the end of the day, it’s still Grambling! Let the symbolism and power of this statement ring in our ears as we reflect on Coach Rob’s life, the times and circumstances in which he made an impact as we continue to question what our impact will be as we face these still trying times ahead.
Okay, I apologize for my comments about the Rutgers Basketball team, but I thought this was "Fair Game".
Maybe you need a different title.
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