Monday, July 30, 2007

Redefine Fan

In lieu of the Michael Vick situation and the NFL Network placing Deion Sanders’ column on hold, I think it is time to give some thought to what it means to be a fan.

For those of you who criticize Deion’s column, you have a right to your opinion, but to suggest that he is a thing of the past or a has been is insane. Deion Sanders is a first or at the very least second ballot Pro Football Hall of Famer. I’m not sure about Cooperstown, but I will follow up and get back to you. Having said this, Deion Sanders has not only made a name for himself, a name mind you Fort Myers, Florida should be proud of, but a place in sports history. Like it or not, Mr. Sanders is an “ICON”, baby.

Today, I went to to read comments left by everyday citizens to find one that left an image in my mind for years to come. One writer wrote: Michael Vick should be hanged and while hanging castrated with a rusty fork. While I respect this individual’s right to his opinion, one could only ask, given the history of African-Americans in this country, why and how did we moved from an alleged crime to as Billie Holiday would sing it, a tree bearing strange fruit? Are you sure this is not about race?

I asked myself, who are these people, and as fans of athletics, do we have the right to hold athletes to standards that we fall short of ourselves. Again, if he did what is alleged, he should be punished. I don’t think anyone is in disagreement with this. Should he be banned from the NFL for life? I don’t think so, but this is my opinion. Should he receive the maximum jail time of 8 years? I don’t think so, but again, this is my opinion.

What I do know is that athletes are no different from you or me. People make mistakes. People do better when they know better. People also grow, and I know people change.

I am an avid sports fan. My father taught me everything I know about sports from its ugliest past to its present day triumphs. Do I think athletes make a lot of money? You bet, but I don’t begrudge them. They are paid what the market will bear. Do they participate in activities that they shouldn’t? Yes! Should our system of justice hold them accountable? Absolutely!

In addition to this, athletes make and continue to make enormous sacrifices to provide me, you, the fan with hours of memories that make and has made us laugh, cry, proud and yes, mad. I was so pissed at the Oakland Raiders for being in that blizzard in New England. Yes! Charles Woodson forced a Brady fumble. The hell with the “Tuck Rule”, but I digress. Let’s not take away from them their contribution to their sport because of off the field behavior. Keeping Barry Bonds, Pete Rose, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson and Mark McGuire out of Cooperstown doesn't make their accomplishments or contributions to baseball any less real. Let’s do our part to ensure that we are all law abiding citizens, but to wish death and claim a grown man as property in the way that the NFL Network has done with Deion Sanders and I quote, “we control your image and opinions” is a hit way below the belt.

Both Deion Sanders and Michael Vick put their pants on the same as any man in American, white, black, green or purple. Sometimes, I wonder if the fans make more of them to compensate for the lack of hero they see in themselves.


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